University of Mary


You were Made for more

Start your #LifeatMary

Map a path to success.

Your degree from the University of Mary helps you live a full and rewarding life while preparing you to be a leader in your field. Pursue excellence in one of our nearly 60 undergraduate programs and experience the abundance of a life well lived.

Emily Kautzman
“The University of Mary fostered the development of my leadership abilities and provided countless opportunities for me to serve others. It has allowed me to become the best version of myself and has laid the foundation for my life to come.”
Emily Kautzman

The Mary Difference

Students in the Union

Join a True Community

No matter what your background interests, you’ll find a place to thrive in the vibrant campus community, from our multitude of student organizations and music ensembles to NCAA athletics, intramural sports, and more.

Students in the Cafe

Affordable Private Education

You can have an affordable private school education. At Mary, 99% of undergraduate students receive scholarships, making it possible for you to graduate with less debt than students from other universities.

Students Outside

Graduate in Less Time with Less Debt

We have a year-round campus. Earn your bachelor’s degree in just 2.6 years, and your master’s in four. That means you can start your career — and take that next step in life — sooner.

Discussion with Professor and Students

Engaging Classes

Our low student-to-faculty ratio makes it easier for you to build relationships with your instructors and peers. Classes at the University of Mary are more interactive, individualized, and effective.


University of Mary for Life

Your education is about much more than a diploma. It’s about becoming the person you were made to be. We equip our students to learn, grow, and reach the highest level of their potential.

Innovative Year-Round Campus

YRC is a one-of-a-kind college career option that lets you achieve your bachelor’s degree in 2.6 years, and your master’s in four years. Graduate in less time, with less cost, and less debt!

Begin your #LifeatMary

Preparing yourself for a career should also prepare you to live your life well. Let’s map out your path to success — you were made for more.
